

$2M from Ontario Research Fund to help scientists demystify black holes

Assistant Professor Aviad Levis and collaborators are developing innovative tools for the imaging black holes with the next generation of radio and optical telescopes. 

ARIA showcase brings computer science innovation to life

The Department of Computer Science hosted the annual Applied Research in Action (ARIA) showcase highlighting cutting-edge research and its intersection with Toronto’s tech ecosystem.  

Celebrating 60 years of computer science at U of T

U of T’s Department of Computer Science celebrates 60 years of groundbreaking contributions that span personal computing, theoretical computer science, software systems, graphic design, artificial intelligence and beyond.

Department of Computer Science announces promotion of eight faculty members

Top row left to right: Ishtiaque Ahmed, Ashton Anderson, Jimmy Ba, Fanny Chevalier.
Bottom row left to right: Nathan Wiebe, Jessica Burgner-Kahrs, Swastik Kopparty, Shubhangi Saraf.

The Department of Computer Science is pleased to announce the promotions of the following faculty members, effective July 1, 2024:  

Left to right: Ishtiaque Ahmed, Ashton Anderson, Jimmy Ba, Fanny Chevalier, Nathan Wiebe. 

Ishtiaque Ahmed promoted to the rank of Associate Professor with tenure 

Ashton Anderson promoted to the rank of Associate Professor with tenure 

Jimmy Ba promoted to the rank of Associate Professor with tenure 

Fanny Chevalier promoted to the rank of Associate Professor with tenure 

Nathan Wiebe promoted to the rank of Associate Professor with tenure 

Left to right: Jessica Burgner-Kahrs, Swastik Kopparty, Shubhangi Saraf. 

Jessica Burgner-Kahrs promoted to the rank of full Professor 

Swastik Kopparty promoted to the rank of full Professor 

Shubhangi Saraf promoted to the rank of full Professor 

Toyota Research Institute partners with U of T researchers to advance vision-language models for robot manipulation

Toyota Research Institute partners with U of T researchers to advance vision-language models for robot manipulation

Assistant professors Florian Shkurti and Igor Gilitschenski are researching new methods of vision-language models for robot manipulation technologies to improve how robotics systems perceive and safely interact with people and their environment.  

CentML startup led by Gennady Pekhimenko provides cost-effective machine learning solutions to companies

CentML startup led by Gennady Pekhimenko provides cost-effective machine learning solutions to companies

A startup co-founded and led by Associate Professor Gennady Pekhimenko helps companies optimize the performance and cost-efficiency of machine learning models.

U of T CS faculty members receive Ontario Early Researcher Awards

U of T CS faculty members receive Ontario Early Researcher Awards

Computer science researchers are recipients of Ontario provincial funding for their artificial intelligence projects on reinforcement learning; computer systems; and deep learning tools for heart failure prediction. 

Maclean’s ‘The Power List: AI’ recognizes U of T CS faculty and alumni

Maclean’s ‘The Power List: AI’ recognizes U of T CS faculty and alumni

U of T CS faculty and alumni are among a group of individuals recognized on the 2024 Power List by Maclean’s magazine.

Initiative trains U of T students to integrate ethical considerations into tech design

Initiative trains U of T students to integrate ethical considerations into tech design

An award-winning team of University of Toronto computer scientists and philosophers is helping students think about the ethical implications of the technologies they will be developing.