
C.C. "Kelly" Gotlieb
Distinguished Lecture Series

The C.C. “Kelly” Gotlieb Distinguished Lecture Series is the premier lecture series at the U of T Department of Computer Science. For more than a decade, the series has welcomed top minds to DCS to talk about issues in computer science.

Upcoming 2024–2025 Speakers

Aaron Hertzmann

Aaron Hertzmann smiles facing the camera.

Aaron Hertzmann
Principal Scientist, Adobe Research
Affiliate Professor, University of Washington

Tuesday, April 1, 2025 | 6 p.m.
Schwartz Reisman Innovation Campus

The History of C.C Kelly Gotlieb

The C.C. “Kelly” Gotlieb Distinguished Lecture Series is named in honour of Professor Emeritus Calvin C. Gotlieb, a founding member of the Department of Computer Science. Through his vision, inspiration, and leadership, Gotlieb brought Canadians into the modern age of computing. His efforts led to the establishment of the Computation Centre at the University of Toronto in 1948 (which would become our Department of Computer Science). In 1951, he introduced the first undergrad and grad courses in computing in Canada. Gotlieb’s progressive ideas and revolutionary vision remain the foundation for today’s computer technology. To quote from his Order of Canada, “He has been largely responsible for leading Canadians into the modern age of computing…and has contributed immeasurably to the understanding and development of information technology in the academic community.”