Mentees | Alumni-Student Mentorship Program — Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto Top

Alumni-Student Mentorship Program

Our Alumni-Student Mentorship Program connects CS undergraduate students with supportive alumni of computer science who are working in the field and are willing to share their academic and career experiences with a student mentee who is preparing for their own path. 

How it Works

Apply to be a mentee

All interested students enrolled in a CS program at the St. George Campus will fill out an application form stating their interests, future goals, and what they are looking for in a mentor. 

Get Paired with a Mentor

After reviewing all the applications, we will pair you with a mentor who is compatible with your interests and goals.

Connect and participate

Connect with your mentor at least three times between January and April and attend an orientation session and launch event. 
(More details below)


To become a mentee for the program, the following expectations must be met. 

  1. Attend the in-person mentorship orientation session in November and complete the commitment form*. This session will prepare you to meet your mentor and get the most out of your mentorship experience. 

  2. Attend the in-person mentorship launch event in January to meet your mentor*

  3. Meet with your mentor at least 3 additional times between January and April. 

  4. Attend monthly in-person events (e.g. Career Panel, office visits)

  5. Complete the monthly mentorship reflection task. This should take no more than 30 minutes.

*If you are unable to attend the mentorship orientation session or launch event due to a class conflict, please contact with an explanation. 

Applications for the Winter 2025 mentorship program are now closed.

Comments from some of our past mentees

"I was anxious and concerned about what I would do after I graduated. My Alumni Mentor helped me understand what kind of jobs are available, how to approach the job search, and what to do to stand out. I became much more confident about my potential from our interactions. I was so grateful for his help and compassion!

I even became an Alumni Mentor after participating in the program as an undergrad, because I was so thankful for all the help I received from my mentors, I wanted to return the favour!"

- Kyra

"I really enjoyed the program. At the time, I was weighing doing PEY versus taking up a research position with a lab at U of T. My mentor helped me think though different options, and shared about her own PEY experience.

Even though sometimes it felt like more homework, I was also really glad to have the structure of the written reflections"

- Cait

"During my second year I was matched with a kind, friendly, and amazing mentor who helped me develop better professional networking skills. When we met, she gave me insight into her web development experiences and helped me edit my resume so I could find PEY placements.

During my last year at U of T, I met up with her again and she was kind enough to give me a tour of her office. I am really grateful to have been a part of the program. My mentor really inspired me and gave me the confidence to seek out more challenging job opportunities."

- Helen


Companies our past mentors have worked for

ecobee Inc.
Uber ATG
IBM Canada
...and many more!


If you have any questions about the program, please contact

Are you looking to become a mentor?

This page is for students applying to be mentees. Alumni who want to be mentors should head over to the Alumni section for more information.

Apply as an Alumni Mentor   →

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