
Q&A with undergraduate student Alex Tran

We asked third-year undergraduate computer science student Alex Tran to tell us about her student experience, from the course that’s had the most impact, to what she’s looking forward to in 2021.

Alex Tran

Alex Tran

Which course has had the most impact on your experience as a CS student?

CSC165 — Mathematical Expression and Reasoning for Computer Science. It introduced me to mathematical logic and taught me how to express the reasoning behind my thinking, which I think is an important skill for anyone going into computer science. This course covered a lot of computer science fundamentals that other CSC courses will require and build on.

What have been the most important experiences for you outside of the classroom?

The university offers endless opportunities outside of academics. For me, building a community and making meaningful friendships and connections has allowed me to make the most out of my university experience. In my second year, I joined Women in Computer Science and UofTHacks. I liked that I could be involved with planning events happening on campus. As a result, it was a great way to feel engaged in student-run events and stay connected with fellow peers.

How have your experiences this year been shaped by the pandemic?

The social aspect of the school experience has definitely been reduced this year. The student-life campus environment has been brought to my bedroom desk and it has been hard to exchange conversations with new faces. Although adapting to the online learning environment has been a difficult process, I have found that the extra time has allowed me to be more productive. Having more time to spend with my family has been nice, as well.

Tell us about connections you’ve made with faculty, alumni, or peer or professional mentors. How have these relationships shaped your experiences in CS?

Making connections within the Department of Computer Science, whether that be with faculty, peers or alumni, has helped me feel a sense of community during my undergraduate studies. It is comforting to know that I have a network of people to help and guide me in academics, career, and wellbeing.

As a CS student, what are you most looking forward to 2021? (Beyond being able to see friends, instructors and classmates in person again!)

A bit unrelated to school, but I look forward to dining in restaurants again!