2024-2025 Fall/Winter Graduate Course Timetables
Fall 2024 Timetable:
DCS Graduate Student Pre-Enrolment period: June 3 – July 1, 2024.*
DCS Graduate Course pre-enrolment decision available via ACORN July 22, 2024.
Enrolment for graduate CS students will open on July 25, 2024 at 10:00AM ET.
There is no enrolment on August 21, 2024.
Enrolment for non-CS graduate students will open on August 22, 2024 at 10:00AM ET; SGS Add/Drop Courses forms are not required for CS graduate course enrolment unless it is required by the student’s home department.
Fall graduate courses start on Tuesday, September 3, 2024
The last day to enrol in fall session graduate courses is September 18, 2024.
Graduate students must enrol in the graduate section of cross-listed courses. The graduate section is designated by the 4-digit course code. eg: CSC2209H/CSC458H1.
Winter graduate courses start on Monday, January 6, 2025.
Undergraduate Requests to Enrol in Graduate Courses
In exceptional circumstances, undergraduate students in the Faculty of Arts & Science may be granted permission to take a graduate course sponsored by an Arts & Science graduate unit as part of the student’s undergraduate degree.
The deadline to apply for graduate course enrolment for fall 2024 and winter 2025 is July 8, 2024.
Learn more about undergraduate enrolment in graduate courses.
*Department of Computer Science Graduate Student Pre-Enrolment Period
Students registered in graduate programs within the Department of Computer Science Students who submit their Plan of Study form by the July 1, 2024 will be eligible for priority enrolment in up to 2 CS graduate courses per session for the 2024-2025 academic year. Open to DCS graduate students only.
Updated on September 16, 2024 @ 10:45 AM
To view course descriptions, click on the course code (eg. CSC2104H).
M – Monday | T – Tuesday | W – Wednesday | R – Thursday | F – Friday
Course Code | LEC | Session | Course Title | Instructor | Group | Breadth | Cap | Day/ Time | Location |
CSC2104H/ CSC465H1 | 0101 | Fall | Formal Methods of Program Design | Ric Hehner | 3 | M1/ RA14 | 20 | R 15-17 | UC 179 |
CSC2108H | 0101 | Fall | Automated Reasoning with Machine Learning | Xujie Si | 3 | M1/ RA14 | 60 | M 15-17 | BA 1230 |
CSC2125H | 0101 | Fall | Topics in Software Engineering: Software Engineering for ML-Enabled Systems (SE4AI) | Marsha Chechik | 3 | M1/ RA14 | 20 | R 13-16 | SU 444 |
CSC2126H | 0101 | Fall | Topics in Programming Languages: Types and Effects | Ningning Xie | 3 | M1/ RA14 | 30 | M 10-12 | BA 2139 |
CSC2206H | 0101 | Fall | Computer Systems Modeling | Peter Marbach | 3 | M2/ RA6 | 20 | M 13-15, W 10-11 | M- MY 320 W-BA 2135 |
CSC2209H CSC458H1 | 5101 | Fall | Computer Networks | Yashar Ganjali | 3 | M3/ RA6 | 20 | T 18-21 | BA 1180 |
CSC2221H | 0101 | Fall | Introduction to the Theory of Distributed Computing | Sam Toueg | 1 | M1/ RA9 | 40 | F 13-16 | BA B024 |
CSC2231H | 0101 | Fall | Topics in Computer Systems: Secure Computer Systems and Hardware | Gururaj Saileshwar | 3 | M3/ RA6 | 40 | T 13-15 | AB 114 |
CSC2234H/ CSC443H1 | 0101 | Fall | Database System Technology | Niv Dayan | 3 | M3/ RA8 | 15 | W 13-15, F 13-14 | MP 137 |
CSC2332H | 0101 | Fall | Introduction to Quantum Computing | Nathan Wiebe | 1 | M2/ RA1 | 40 | W 10-12 | SU 444 |
CSC2401H | 0101 | Fall | Introduction to Computational Complexity | Roei Tell | 1 | M1/ RA2 | 60 | M 13-15 | WB 130 |
CSC2429H/ MAT1306H | 0101 | Fall | Topics in the Theory of Computation: Pseudorandomness & Expanders | Swastik Kopparty | 1 | M1/ RA2 | 45 | M 10-12 | EM 119 |
CSC2501H/ CSC485H1 | 0101 | Fall | Computational Linguistics | Gerald Penn / Frank Niu | 2 | M4/ RA4 | 13 | MWF 12-13 | M- MP 137/WF- ES B142 |
CSC2502H/ CSC486H1 | 0101 | Fall | Knowledge Representation and Reasoning | Bahar Aameri | 2 | M1/ RA11 | 15 | T 11-13, F 11-12 | MP 203 |
CSC2511H/ CSC401H1 | 0201 | Fall | Natural Language Computing | Gerald Penn | 2 | M2/ RA4 | 60 | MWF 10-11 | BA 1180 |
CSC2514H/ CSC428H1 | 5101 | Fall | Human-Computer Interaction | Joseph Williams | 4 | M4/ RA10 | 15 | W 18-21 | MY 380 |
CSC2515H | 0101 | Fall | Introduction to Machine Learning | Rahul Krishnan | 2 | M2/ RA12 | 60 | T 16-18, R 10-11 | T-BA 1220/ R-BA 1240 |
CSC2516H/ CSC413H1 | 0101 | Fall | Neural Networks and Deep Learning | Colin Raffel | 2 | M2/ RA12 | 20 | M 9-10, W 9-11 | BA 1190 / MP134 |
CSC2516H/ CSC413H1 | 0201 | Fall | Neural Networks and Deep Learning | Colin Raffel | 2 | M2/ RA12 | 20 | M 11-12, W 11-13 | GB 244 / MP 134 |
CSC2516H/ CSC413H1 | 0301 | Fall | Neural Networks and Deep Learning | Bo Wang | 2 | M2 / RA12 | 20 | T 13-14, R 13-15 | ES B142 |
CSC2521H | 0101 | Fall | Topics in Computer Graphics: Seminar in Physics-based Animation | David Levin | 4 | M2/ RA5 | 20 | M 11-13 | MY 480 |
CSC2526H | 0101 | Fall | HCI: Topics in Ubiquitous Computing: Using LLMs & GPTs for Ubiquitous Computing | Khai Truong | 4 | M4 / RA10 | 20 | R 9-11 | MY 480 |
CSC2529H | 0101 | Fall | Computational Imaging | David Lindell/ Aviad Levis | 2 | M2/ RA7 | 90 | T 14-16 | ES B149 |
CSC2541H | 0101 | Fall | Topics in Machine Learning: Generative AI for Images | Anthony Bonner | 2 | M2 / RA12 | 50 | F 13-15 | MY 330 |
CSC2545H | 0101 | Fall | Advanced Topics in Machine Learning: Geometric Deep Learning | Igor Gilitschenski | 2 | M2/ RA12 | 36 | R 16-18 | BA 2139 |
CSC2557H | 6101 | Fall | Adaptive Experimentation for Intelligent Interventions | Joseph Williams | 4 | M4/ R10 | 20 | M 15-17 | Online / SU 444 |
CSC2615H | 0101 | Fall | Ethical Aspects of Artificial Intelligence | Ishtiaque Ahmed | 4 | M4/ RA15 | 30 | R 14-17 | Online |
CSC2626H | 0101 | Fall | Imitation Learning for Robotics | Florian Shkurti | 2 | M3/ RA16 | 60 | M 13-16 | CR 404 |
Winter 2025 Timetable
Winter graduate courses start on Monday, January 6, 2025.
SGS Add/Drop Courses forms are not required for CS graduate course enrolment unless it is required by the student’s home department.
Graduate students must enrol in the Graduate Section of cross-listed courses. The Graduate Section is designated by the 4-digit course code. eg: CSC2209H/CSC458H1.
The last day to enrol in winter session graduate courses is January 20, 2025.
Updated on January 7, 2024 @ 1:00 PM
To view course descriptions, click on the course code (eg. CSC2107H).
M – Monday | T – Tuesday | W – Wednesday | R – Thursday | F – Friday
Course Code | LEC | Session | Course Title | Instructor | Group | Breadth | Cap | Day/ Time | Location |
CSC2107H/ CSC488H1 | 0101 | Winter | Compilers and Interpreters | Fan Long | 3 | M3/ RA14 | 20 | T 13-14, R 13-15 | MP 134 |
CSC2125H | 0101 | Winter | Topics in Software Engineering: Blockchain Technology and Engineering | Fan Long | 3 | M1/ RA14 | 30 | M 14-16 | SS 2125 |
CSC2130H/ ECE1785H | 0101 | Winter | Empirical Research Methods in Software Engineering | Shurui Zhou | 3 | M3/ RA14 | 20 | R 15-17 | OI 2212 |
CSC2206H | 0101 | Winter | Computer Systems Modelling | Peter Marbach | 3 | M2/RA6 | 20 | W 10-12, R 10-11 | SU 432 |
CSC2210H | 0101 | Winter | Visual and Mobile Computing Systems | Nandita Vijaykumar | 3 | M3 / RA6 | 60 | W 15-17 | SS 2106 |
CSC2229H | 0101 | Winter | Topics in Computer Networks: Computer Networks for Machine Learning | Yashar Ganjali | 3 | M3 / RA6 | 20 | F 9-11 | AB 114 |
CSC2231H | 0101 | Winter | Special Topics in Computer Systems: Privacy-Enhancing Technologies | Anwar Hithnawi | 3 | M3/RA6 | 20 | T 9-11 | online |
CSC2233H | 0101 | Winter | Topics in Storage Systems: Vector Databases in Modern AI Applications | Moshe Gabel | 3 | M3/RA6 | 20 | W 11-13 | BA 1240 |
CSC2235H | 0101 | Winter | Cloud-Native Data Management Systems | Qizhen Zhang | 3 | M3/RA8 | 25 | F 9-11 | SU 444 |
CSC2310H/ CSC446H1 | 0101 | Winter | Computational Methods for Partial Differential Equations | Kirill Serkh | 3 | M2/ RA13 | 15 | T 15-17, R 15-16 | T- NF 113, R- HS 100 |
CSC2405H/ CSC448H1 | 0101 | Winter | Automata Theory | Swastik Kopparty | 1 | M1/ RA2 | 15 | M 11-13, W 11-12 | SS 2106/2108 |
CSC2414H/ MAT1304H | 0101 | Winter | Advanced Topics in Complexity Theory: Algebraic Gems in Math & CS | Shubhangi Saraf | 1 | M1/ RA2 | 20 | T 13-15 | AH 107 |
CSC2420H | 0101 | Winter | Algorithm Design, Analysis and Theory | Sasho (Alekandar) Nikolov | 1 | M1/ RA1 | 70 | W 13-15 | SS 1083 |
CSC2427H/ MAT1500H | 0101 | Winter | Topics in Graph Theory: The Probabilistic Method | Mike Molloy | 1 | M1 / RA1 | 30 | R 14-16 | PB 255 |
CSC2514H/ CSC428H1 | 5101 | Winter | Human-Computer Interaction | Joseph Williams | 4 | M4/ RA10 | 15 | M 18-20, R 18-19 | Online |
CSC2516H/ CSC413H1 | 0101 | Winter | Neural Networks and Deep Learning | Roger Grosse | 2 | M2 / RA12 | 30 | W 9-11, F 10-11 | WI 1016 |
CSC2516H/ CSC413H1 | 0201 | Winter | Neural Networks and Deep Learning | Roger Grosse | 2 | M2 / RA12 | 30 | W 13-15, F 13-14 | ES B149 |
CSC2525H | 0101 | Winter | Research Topics in Database Management: Bigger, Faster, and Stronger Systems | Niv Dayan | 3 | M3/RA8 | 50 | W 13-15 | BA 1200 |
CSC2527H/ CSC454H1 | 0101 | Winter | Business Software | Mario Grech | 2 | M4/RA15 | 5 | T 10-13 | SM 2360 |
CSC2530H | 0101 | Winter | Computer Imaging and 3D Sensing | Kyros Kutulakos | 2 | M2/ RA5/ RA7 | 60 | T 13-15 | SS 1073 |
CSC2537H | 0101 | Winter | Information Visualization | Carolina Nobre | 4 | M4/ RA10 | 20 | T 9-11 | MY 370 |
CSC2539H | 0101 | Winter | Topics in Computer Vision: Physics-Informed Neural Representations for Visual Computing | David Lindell/ Aviad Levis | 2 | M2/ RA7 | 20 | M 10-12 | ES 1047 |
CSC2541H | 0101 | Winter | Topics in Machine Learning: Large Models | Chris Maddison | 2 | M2 / RA12 | 60 | F 11-13 | MY 380 |
CSC2600H/ CSC491H | 0101 | Winter | Topics in Computer Science: Capstone Design | Mario Grech/ Mikhal Arkhangorodsky | TBA | 60 | W 18-21 | SM 2360 | |
CSC2631H | 0101 | Winter | Mobile and Digital Health | Alex Mariakakis | 4 | M4/ RA10 | 16 | F 13-15 | BA 2179 |
Summer 2025
Summer graduate courses start on May 5.
Enrolment for graduate CS students will open on March 17, 2025.
Enrolment for non-CS graduate students will open on April 17, 2025; SGS Add/Drop Courses forms are not required for CS graduate course enrolment unless it is required by the student’s home department.
The last day to enrol in summer session graduate courses is May 12.
Final date to drop May-to-August session Y section courses without academic penalty is June 23.
Updated on February 21, 2025 @ 10:04 AM
Course Code | LEC | Session | Course Title | Instructor | Group | Breadth | Cap | Day/Time | Location |
CSC2558H | 0101 | Summer | Topics in Multidisciplinary HCI: Qualitative Data Analysis and Writing for HCI | Robert Soden | 4 | M4/R10 | 20 | R 13-15 | MY 370 |