
Numerical Analysis

The area of numerical analysis is also known as numerical computation, numerical methods, numerical mathematics, computational mathematics, scientific computing or mathematical software, depending on which aspect of this broad subject is being emphasized. One can argue that the reason computers were invented was to perform numerical computations, and scientific computing continues to be one of the main driving forces in the development of advanced computing architectures. Several of the “Grand Challenges” in science are closely associated with numerical problems. 


The broad long-term goal of numerical analysts is to develop good software for the solution of problems of a mathematical nature that arise in science, engineering and business. Some researchers focus on standard problems (such as solving differential equations), developing routines that can be used as tools by other scientists in the solution of practical problems, while others work closely with researchers from other areas on specific applications. 

Our researchers in DCS at the University of Toronto cover a wide range of activities in numerical computing, with particular emphasis on the development, analysis, testing and evaluation of numerical algorithms and the construction of efficient, robust and reliable mathematical software. Although we emphasize the numerical solution of differential equations, we are also active in several other areas, including special functions, polynomial root finders, linear algebra, optimization and language facilities for numerical computation. In addition, we are currently engaged in three projects in specific application areas: air quality modeling, computational finance and parallel numerical methods for weather forecasting. 

Our faculty has a site where you will find a link to our technical reports list, announcements of Numerical Analysis seminars, information about Numerical Analysis journals, as well as news and announcements relating to Numerical Analysis activity around the world. You can link directly to our technical reports list here.


Christina C. Christara 
Wayne Enright 
Ken Jackson 
Rudi Mathon
Maryam Mehri Dehnavi

NA Web Page

Numerical Analysis