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Toronto Geometry Colloquium: Deepali Aneja, Mark Gillespie

The Toronto Geometry Colloquium is a live weekly hour-long webseries showcasing geometry processing research. Topics range from computer science, mathematics, and engineering including 3D deep learning, computational fabrication, and computer graphics. The unique format of the Toronto Geometry Colloquium pairs a 10-min opener speaking about a recent work with a 40-min headliner giving a keynote-style address. Part of Toronto Geometry Colloquium's mission is to promote young researchers and showcase great geometry processing research by members of traditionally underrepresented communities. Talks are broadcast live and – unless otherwise noted – recordings are available thereafter.


Mark Gillespie, Carnegie Mellon University
“Discrete Conformal Equivalence of Polyhedral Surfaces”


Deepali Aneja, Adobe Research
”Performance-based Facial Animation”

Visit the Toronto Geometry Colloquium website to access the link to the livestream.

View the Toronto Geometry Colloquium’s Google Calendar to see future speakers.

Visit the Toronto Geometry Colloquium YouTube page to view past talks.