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Temerty Centre Speaker Series: Rahul G. Krishnan

DATE: September 28, 2021 (Tuesday)
TIME: 12pm to 1pm
HOW: Zoom webinar
AUDIENCE: This event is open to the public. All welcome!
(NOTE: This event is CPD-accredited for physicians)


Rahul G. Krishnan is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Medicine (Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology). He is a member of the Vector Institute where he holds a CIFAR AI Chair. His research has developed new algorithms for probabilistic inference, and applied machine learning to problems in healthcare such as modeling disease progression and risk stratification. He received his MS from New York University and his PhD in computer science from MIT in 2020.

Title of lecture: Machine learning for precision oncology

Abstract: This talk will cover some of the recent advances in the use of tools in machine learning to tackle challenges that arise in the management and care of chronic diseases (with a focus on precision oncology). It will highlight recent advances in developing statistical models of clinical biomarkers for patients suffering from multiple myeloma as well as showcase how deep learning can find use in the development and design of risk-stratification tools from histopathological data.

Learning objectives:
An overview of machine learning
(b) Some of the technical challenges in making modern machine learning tools practical for healthcare data
(c) Some recent advances in machine learning with a commentary on where they may find use in building software to support clinical decision making,

Affiliations: University of Toronto, Vector Institute, CIFAR

Learn more:
Google Scholar
U of T profile